Hello! Welcome to my blog. I go by Roomsaver online and this page will document my various projects.

About Me

I am a software developer by trade with 3 years of experience working on web apps, websites, and other software solutions. My favorite languages to use are PHP, Python, C++, and JS. I also enjoy making music and you can find that here, too.
In my free time I make music, collect vintage computers, play video games, and try to make video games. I currently own two Apple //es, a Macintosh SE, a PowerMac G4, a PowerBook G4, a tangerine iMac G3 with matching keyboard and power cable (but no mouse! 😢), and a few 6800-based Apple laptops. If you have any vintage Apple hardware you’d like to send to me, please reach out! Please don’t ask for vintage tech support. If you can’t fix it yourself you probably shouldn’t own it.

I also collect and am a big fan of cars. I currently own a 2004 Mini Cooper S in pepper white, a 1985.1 Porsche 944 in pastel beige, and a 2023 Subaru WRX in crystal silica black. The Mini has a 17% reduction pulley, a larger intercooler, and a 25.5mm rear anti-sway bar. The other two cars are stock (for now 😉).
If you have any questions for me you can reach out at contact@roomsaver.org. For webmaster inquiries please contact webmaster@roomsaver.org.